Friday, April 3, 2009


Sometime back I tried,
Unaware of the reason,
I almost gave up my life,
Circumstances made me pay,
I still regret for what I did,
Did all wrong and it results, even worst,
Enraged I was, ignored by everyone,

Immense my feelings were,
Someone I wanted by my side,

An ailing mind, I never wanted,

Cicumstances but were when in my hand,
Remember, I do, just my LORD,
Intense shame, I'll feel when I meet him!
Morose was all i felt,
Emboldened I was, imbued with His love!


P.S(My first try to acrostic poem do comment how it is)
P.S.S( Asbah bundle of thanks for suggesting me to be with mav he helps a lot love u both)


  1. Amias (ljm and liquidplastic) said...
    You did well .. and I know the place you are talking about, as I have been there too! Glad to see, like me, you bounced back.

    Please join us at Acrostic Only. I think you would enjoy it.
    Tan said...
    God Bless you Insiya!! Thanks for being so patient with life. Be so - Humesha, for life has been thus to you for so long! Isnt it?

    Take care ...
    Tan said...
    And yes! Please join Acrostic Only. Its a great place to be for all who writes/reads and likes Acrostics ...
    I Zaydi said...
    Thanks too God who gave me a way back.. :)
    Maverick said...
    Luvd dis one! u hav ur own unique way of dealing wid subjects that are deeply emotional and more often dan not cause a metal turmoil threatening to shred da innards of ur soul!
    Wonderful work! Looking forward to more from u!

    *An ardent follower of ur blog!*

    I Zaydi said...
    I am thank ful to u all :) dont know what else to say its difficult o praise you guys.. :D :P

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