Monday, April 6, 2009



Frozen I am standing,
Remembering your grace,
I still miss you,
Embolden I was everytime you were around,
Need of you it still here with me,
Do come back as my friendship still lasts,
Same it will be forever, for you,
How much I love, is not the question,
I still miss you and that what matters,
Protest I will, if you don't! ... miss me


Frank and free, easy to be with,
Relation we all wants such,
I even want so,
Emblaze I was when we met,
Now I did why i felt so,
Different you were but not from me,
So fimiliar you looked, it,
Happens not with all of us,
I now have a friend like you, what else I need,
Praise, honour, love. none but you.. forever..


For more check:


  1. Tan said...
    That was a set of two good poems Insiya... Nice to see you trying Acrostics... Hope you know about the Blog: Acrostic Only. Do visit the same and keep experimenting with words...

    You write well in English too... Keep writing!!!
    Amias (ljm and liquidplastic) said...
    Tan is right, these are good.

    Friendship is a wonderful thing, especially when you are friends with the one you truly love!
    I Zaydi said...
    :) Thank you!
    Maggie said...
    great acrostic on friendship
    Ofira Sephiroth said...
    Very nicely written.

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