Monday, November 16, 2009


I want to wear the dress of silence,
I want to be quite now,
As I no more can shout with a choked throat,
I seek an escape yes! I want to run,
I want to jump up and fly high,
I want to discover the world and hide,
It was never about ‘you’,
Yes! it was never about ‘us’,
All revolves around me,
It’s always about ‘I’..


  1. Anonymous said...
    With voice so sweet
    Why be so quiet?
    Dress your thoughts
    With that voice friend
    Don't shout if you can't
    Just whisper for now
    Run, jump high, fly free
    Discover the world now
    But not for an escape
    Or to hide from it so
    It was always about us
    It hasn't changed much
    We might be by ourselves
    But we have each other
    If all revolves around you
    It's because you're best
    Be happy, you never are
    Alone, I'm with you
    In these echoes of silence
    I Zaydi said...

    amazing superb..
    Maverick said...
    likd dis one! kinda narcissistic but still beautiful in its innate desires! <3 it! :)

    I Zaydi said...
    Thank you maverick..

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